In Limousin, the action of the farmers against the low prices of meat for sale. After footage of the work on the fields and farms in winter (collecting leaves for bedding, ploughing, cutting wood, mil...
It is the third film in a row of the genre that much later on was called “fustanella (Greek kilt)”, following "Gkolfo" by Bachatoris (1914) and "Astero" by Gaziadis (1929). It is based on the succ...
Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, h...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
A family man (Vasilis Diamantopoulos) falls in love with a young woman (Daisy Mavraki) and pushes himself and his family to extreme situations.
One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own chil...
A woman (Peri Poravou) wanders around a deserted beach in a provincial town with her 10-year-old son (Panos Gkiokas). The following day, she has to leave her son with her ex-husband (Nikiforos Naneris...
An island girl (Stella Greka) comes from her island to Athens and ends up singing in a cabaret. There she meets a seaman, Vasos (Lampros Konstantaras). The temptations of the city will not succeed in ...
U dřevěného plotu stojí Lašková a Souček. Oba mají na sobě kroj.
U dveří v pokoji stojí Irča (Suzanne Marwille) a další tři dívky v nočních košilích. Za sebou mají dveře, zleva i zprava jsou kovové postele, nalevo noční stolky a pod postelí vlevo ...
U stolu i na stole sedí čtyři dívky v uniformách a hovoří spolu. Nalevo stojí sloup a židle, pozadí tvoří listy stromů.