Claire is the beautiful daughter of the director of the steelworks. Revolutionaries storm the director's estate during a strike, and the director is killed. Worker Albert Fjeld remembers that Claire h...
A young medical student who has just finished his studies returns to his village. His mother expects him to avenge the death of his father and take back their stolen properties. He, however, isn’t i...
This film features Giorgos Vizyinos’ childhood years in Istanbul and Thrace. The writer, who is a patient in a psychiatric hospital, recalls, through his writings, his unrealized journeys, his desir...
A young man who has just completed his studies and taken his vows as a doctor returns to his village. His mother expects him to take revenge for his father’s death and get their land back, which w...
Berna and his wife Julia, both well-known stage personalities, lead a pleasant life together with their little daughter Gonda until the moment that Berna meets the young actress Jeane Bachiloupi. He f...
A man, who has just become rich, hires a footman who should instruct him on how to behave with ladies. In fact, he has an appointment with a lady who has a daughter of marriageable age. Not feeling su...
Family drama in which a mother, after the presumed death of his daughter, loses her mind.
A family of mountain folk fights with a family that lives by the sea. When the mountain folk’s chief (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) finds out that his counterpart from the coast (Kostas Kakkavas) has k...
Ferdinand Diehl (center), his daughter Monika and Director of photography Jans Schmid (right) while shooting "Mecki stellt sich vor" (1952)
V soudní síni stojí Toník (Miloš Vávra), Rozárka (Božena Plecitá) s gestem ruky proti soudci, Valenta (Vojtěch Záhořík), který ji drží za ramena. Za stolem stojí soudce (Alois Škrdl...
u restauračních stolů sedí muži a ženy
"Maharadža Mamlas Bej jede automobilem kolem farmy Raula Dusotila. V polích za farmou přepadne se svými sluhy dceru Dusotilovu (Rapsodii) a odváží si ji v autu domů. Dusotil povolá detektiva ...
Lilka (Zdena Kavková) stojí v jedoucím autě. Za ní je vidět silnice a les.
Za stolem sedí Růžička a má na sobě tmavý oblek s košilí. Vedle něj sedí Marwille.