Dokumentarfilm über zwei junge Frauen, die als Flüchtlinge aus Krisengebieten in Deutschland leben. Vor elf Jahren ist die heute 16-jährige Valentina aus dem Kosovo nach Deutschland gekommen – se...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
The inter-island air services on the Orkney Isles and Shetland Isles and helicopter services from Inverness to the Western Isles. Retrospective sequences on the early days of both.
A dramatic description of a youngster taken on his first shoplifting spree by an older boy and both ending up in trouble with the police.
A film discussing the various forms of energy used by man.
San Pietroburgo. Esercitazioni dei pompieri e sfilata per le strade. Pompieri escono di corsa dalla caserma. Attaccano i cavalli ai carretti e percorrono ampie vie cittadine. Salgono con scale s...
The film centers around three city dwellers who try to fulfil their wish for a different and better life: former flight attendant Judith lives in a housing complex in the outskirts with her little son...
Der arbeitslose Jurist und Familienvater David nimmt notgedrungen einen Job an, der ihm auf moralischer Ebene eigentlich zuwider ist: Er soll eine Firma "liquidieren". Im Klartext bedeutet d...
Alexander Berner
Alexander Kluge
Alexander Kluge at the Deutsches Filmuseum in Frankfurt on September 10, 2009
"Frisch gepresst" (2012)
Alexander Korda
Swedish movie poster of "Fanny und Alexander" (1981/82)
Kostümentwurf für "Alexander Obolsky"
Jannis Alexander Kiefer