Dokumentarfilm über zwei junge Frauen, die als Flüchtlinge aus Krisengebieten in Deutschland leben. Vor elf Jahren ist die heute 16-jährige Valentina aus dem Kosovo nach Deutschland gekommen – se...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
The inter-island air services on the Orkney Isles and Shetland Isles and helicopter services from Inverness to the Western Isles. Retrospective sequences on the early days of both.
A dramatic description of a youngster taken on his first shoplifting spree by an older boy and both ending up in trouble with the police.
A film discussing the various forms of energy used by man.
San Pietroburgo. Esercitazioni dei pompieri e sfilata per le strade. Pompieri escono di corsa dalla caserma. Attaccano i cavalli ai carretti e percorrono ampie vie cittadine. Salgono con scale s...
The film centers around three city dwellers who try to fulfil their wish for a different and better life: former flight attendant Judith lives in a housing complex in the outskirts with her little son...
Der arbeitslose Jurist und Familienvater David nimmt notgedrungen einen Job an, der ihm auf moralischer Ebene eigentlich zuwider ist: Er soll eine Firma "liquidieren". Im Klartext bedeutet d...
Sascha Alexander Geršak in "Tore tanzt" (2012/13)
Alexander M. Rümelin
Jonas Alexander Arnby
German movie poster of "Fanny und Alexander" (1981/82)
Karl Alexander Seidel (2009)
Kostümentwurf für "Alexander Obolsky"
Jochen Alexander Freydank
Oliver Alexander Alaluukas