I. Medium shot as V/W Class destroyer crosses the screen, and pan right to long shot of line of four Iron Duke Class (?) battleships. Medium shot off port beam of HMS Renown underway. Royal Sovereign ...
Several shots of pigs feeding from troughs (some but not all of these shots are used in IWM 447B). Various shots of people making bandages, artificial limbs and crutches (most material used in IWM 447...
I. Destroyers in anchorage. Medium shot of HMS Parker (G.75). Pan to neighbouring line of moored destroyers and depot ship (Aquarius ?). II. Sixth Battle Squadron passes beneath Forth Bridge. III. Med...
A group of ostriches assembles with their trainers at a racetrack. One of the birds is fitted with a trotting harness, and then races "one mile in 2 minutes 10 seconds". It is taken out of the harness...
Harbour scene with mountains in the background. Steam launch comes alongside towing five ship's boats crowded with ratings and marines. Local people watch as the sailors disembark. Crowds pass waterfr...
I. Medium shot off the starboard bow of Royal Sovereign Class battleship at night as the ship's searchlight battery sweeps the water. Cambrian Class light cruiser (Calliope or Champion ?) is illuminat...
French and Serbian soldiers inspect and pull apart the wreckage of the Zeppelin. An unexploded bomb (?) lies in the marsh. On board one of the British ships which shot down the Zeppelin, a naval lieut...
I. (Reel 1) Anglo-American boxing tournament organised by the Grand Fleet. Panning medium shot across crowds of ratings assembled on quayside around raised boxing ring - two men are fighting. US flags...