The Germans lost eleven Zeppelins in the course of the raid, five of them over France. First, the wreck of one of the airships is inspected by French soldiers, while two of the aircraft which shot it ...
I. 'KING ALBERT'S CAVALRY: Cavalry keeping fit for the time when their service will be required to drive the Hun invader out of Belgium'. The cavalry are seen in action, galloping uphill and across op...
Films shot in the early 1980s in the mercat d'encants (flea market), on its location of Porta del Camp Street, Socors Street, Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga Avenue and Mateu Enric Llado Street. In one of...
A group of four police constables outside Deptford main police station is joined by a fifth policeman. Groups of policemen emerge from the station, two riding past on bicycles. A portrait shot of one ...
Original title and title cards in Estonian and Russian. In the film one can see town life at its peak in czarist-time. The film, with a positivist take, seems to be shot in the early spring of 1912. ...
Registration of the visit by German film stars to Volendam In the summer of 1920, the staff of the Rembrandt Theatre in Amsterdam went on strike, which was especially unfortunate for the management of...
The British fleet awaits its visitors - among the attendant ships are Colossus and Bellerophon Class battleships, HMS Neptune, and Warrior and Minotaur Class armoured cruisers. HMS Canada: "A link in ...
Opening panning shot across aircraft hangars, with the front of the Giant protruding from one of them. Various shots in increasing close-up of the front of the aircraft: a man inside the cockpit can b...