Medium shot view fine on starboard quarter of HMS St Vincent with main yards set. Mainsail clewed up. Main topgallant sail furled in a body. Main topsail scandalised - yard lowered and reef tackle hau...
The King inspects the ship's company drawn up on deck. With him are various naval and civilian dignitaries, including Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty (seen briefly). The party comes d...
A line of Danton Class battleships puts to sea. Two of the Dantons with, in front of them, two destroyers, possibly Claymore Class. The destroyer Flamberge passes left to right, followed by the destro...
The camera position looks over the Queen Elizabeth's quarterdeck towards the stern. Wilson comes up the ship's ladder and shakes hands with Beatty. It is an informal, working meeting. The rest of the ...
Medium shot from the focsle to A and B turrets and bridge - a canvas hatch tent is in the immediate foreground. Starboard barrel of A turret elevates, and port semaphore begins signalling. Camera pans...
A steamer moves left to right across anchorage. Medium shot of 150mm gun of the Gneisenau battery in front of the Royal Palace Hotel, Ostend in October, 1918, after the German withdrawal. Medium shot ...
I. Medium shot off the starboard bow of Royal Sovereign Class battleship at night as the ship's searchlight battery sweeps the water. Cambrian Class light cruiser (Calliope or Champion ?) is illuminat...
Short war reportage about the German naval ship 'Möwe'. This ship holds up British ships, takes the crew aboard and destroys the vessels. Also ships from neutral countries are treated in this way.
British cruisers sail the sea.
Vene poole kaart miiniväljadest meres ja rannakaitsepatareide laskesektoritest Eesti rannikumeres,.
Saksa dessandi randumine Tagalahes.
Saksa sõjalaevad Saaremaa kaldavetes Tagalahes Eesti saarte vallutamise operatsiooni ajal.
Aerofoto Saksa sõjalavaevadest enne Tagalahe dessanti.
Czechoslovak volunteers wait for the ship in the port of Irkutsk.