I. High-angle medium close-up of submarines H.34 and H.29 alongside cameraship. H.29, which lies outboard, makes sternway. Close-up of the conning tower of H.34 as crew cast off - in the background, H...
Non-identified fragment of a documentary about Italian naval operations, showing a battleship, navy officers on the deck, a submarine charging torpedoes and a seaplane landing on the sea. It has no ti...
Italian battleships escort their transports towards Tripoli. The battleships Francesco Fernuccio and Re Umberto form part of the escort. View from the shore of the Italian fleet, out at sea, bombardin...
A torpedo track reveals the presence of an enemy submarine. A destroyer (Yarrow M Class), ML.55 and two companions, and a trawler, Electra, close in. Electra drops a primitive depth charge. The "U-boa...
The film starts with three ships from the fleet: first the four-funnelled cruiser Midilli, formerly SMS Breslau, riding at anchor, then a Muvanet-i-Milet Class destroyer showing the Turkish flag at he...
I. 'ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY: Although Germany started superior to the Allies in Artillery, the conditions have rapidly changed. Some of the R.F.A. on a recruiting campaign in the City'. Horse-drawn arti...
The Camel is mounted on a launch platform above the light cruiser's 'A' Turret. The crew makes ready for launch, removing the safety netting and holding wires. The plane's engine is turned over (very ...
„U 1“. the first German submarine, constructed 1905/06; Kaiser class ships; warship „Nassau“, launched 1908 in Kiel; ship of the East Frisia class; small cruiser „Karlsruhe“. Launched 1912...
British cruisers sail the sea.
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Saksa sõjalaevad Saaremaa kaldavetes Tagalahes Eesti saarte vallutamise operatsiooni ajal.
Aerofoto Saksa sõjalavaevadest enne Tagalahe dessanti.
Czechoslovak volunteers wait for the ship in the port of Irkutsk.